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Re: [DL] cons adventures

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bertrand DEHAIS" <bertrand.dehais@libertysurf.fr>
To: "mldl" <deadlands@gamerz.net>
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2000 5:35 PM
Subject: [DL] cons adventures

> the magecon announcement reminds me of asking something i've beeb
> thinking about for some time : is there any way to find a copy of the
> adventures played at past cons ? i was thinking of yarns like "don't
> drink the water".
> but perhaps those are exclusive events for the con attendants, so as to
> encourage all of us from europe, australia, new zealand, japan... to fly
> to the u.s. for a weekend of gaming ?

Dang! You're on to our nefarious scheme. ;-)

No, originally we'd planned to possibly put together a book of adventures
from those we wrote for conventions. I don't know what the future holds for
this product right now, or if we still have that many on hand anyway...

That said, many of the con adventures did make it to the website in the
past. Hell & High Water, an adventure I wrote for Gen Con a couple of years
ago, was expanded into a full-size HOE adventure. Killer Clowns, another one
I ran at Gen Con, is a dime novel.

Guess Who's Coming to Donner was written way back in the history of
Deadlands con adventures, and I (the writer) may very well be the only
person who still has a copy of it. The other two on the MageCon page are yet
to be written (by me).

I'll see what Shane has in mind for con adventures going forward, but I'm
betting we'll be putting them on the webpage in the future. That said, I do
like to keep a couple shelved for cons myself--so I don't keep having to
write them. ;-)

John Goff

> bertrand "happy that SotB was dedicated to us strangers" dehais

Excellent! :-)