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Re: [DL] Hucksters and Spell Levels

>Solution the second:  The above works great for old spells that a huckster
>already knows.  But what about new spells that they learned?  In the old
>days the new spell was bought at level one and stayed that way for at least
>one adventure.  But now you can buy a soul burst and right away start 
>down lynch mobs like there is no tomorrow.  So For my posse when a new 
>is bought it can only be used at level 1 until the huckster has cast it
>sucessfully twice the number of the next level.  So a new hex would be at
>level 1 till it was cast 4 times.  Giving the huckster a chance to learn to
>use the spell wisely and keeping him from getting too powerful too fast.

I was thinking along these sort of lines. Of course most ppl will get 
hexslingin' at 5, therefore starting with the most number of spells they 
can. I really don't like paying 5 points for a new spell when they are 
supposed to be skills. Especially when they start new with it. There will be 
time for adjustment to it. What I'm looking at is keeping the hexslingin' 
skill but lowering the cost for new spells.

My reasoning is, the hexslingin' skill represents the hucksters' ability to 
outwit the manitou. His hex level is his working knowledge of this exact 
spell. So they open it at level one with one point. Then whenever they cast 
that spell they have a penalty based on the difference of their hexslingin'. 
Thinking that with a higher ability to pull in the big manitous they don't 
want to wait around while the huckster is stammering through his newly 
learned formulas and writings.
example: hexslingin' 5, soul blast 1, roll to cast with a minus 4.

Now, the hex can be raised at a point cost of the new level, 2 pts for 2, 3 
pts for 3, etc. 5 points will be spent to equal the hexslingin' level just 
as before. However, it also reflects the time spent in learning the hex.

I'm thinking of also having the points spent into the spell to count toward 
raising the hexslingin' skill. Every point put into raising a hex will go 
into a pool for hexslingin'. When hexslingin' is raised it also raises all 
other hexes. Which still keeps the same difference between the previous 
hexes and the skill.

Also, I have gone to not allowing players to raise a skill over their trait 
die. They max out at their trait die and have to then put points into 
raising their die type. New characters don't have much of a problem unless 
they have d4's. Then they most likely will not put 4 points into a trait 
they put a d4 into.

Anyway, my thoughts on it.

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