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RE: [DL] Japanese in DL

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Undead Rustler [mailto:rrj@zombieworld.com]
> Subject: Re: [DL] Japanese in DL
> don't have).  anyone have any info that would help in 
> creating a samurai, or most likely a ronin depending on how 
> many Japanese warlords there are in the Weird West?  kung fu 
> wouldn't quite fit the samurai image as they were mainly 
> known as sword fighters. 
Not entirely true.  Anyone who's studied Japanese martial history knows that
there are any number of armed and unarmed fighting arts practiced by the
samurai.  Aikido and jujutsu are two of the more well known fighting arts
adopted by the Japanese.  There's even one art concerned with fighting with
a "war fan".  

> though they did practice hand to 
> hand fighting most of this was basic karate and judo not the 
> "monkey dances with river otter" kung fu moves :/  in the 
Not knowing any Aikido I couldn't address complex katas or moves, however I
do know there are a great number of moves of this type in Kenjutsu (the art
of the sword).  In fact one art, Iajutsu (sp?), was solely concerned with
the strike after draw.  A duel would consist (for example) of the two
fighters facing each other kneeling.  At some signal they would both draw
and strike.  In many cases one or both would be dead or crippled afterwards.

> your posse.  definitely see this movie (Red Sun) if you have 
> even the faintest interest in a similar character.  it's not 
> only good, it's good for ya!
And from what I understand, Toshiro Mifune is a master swordsman and martial
artist as well as an accomplished actor.  

I have a number of good reference books at home.  If I find the time and the
books I'll send the ISBNs on. 
