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Re: [DL] huckster problem

I'm getting in on this late so I'm sure it's been mentioned already but, a 
group like this sounds like it's just aching for a little good old fashioned 
Agency/Texas Ranger luvin'

Consider, from the perspective of the players they are now three of the top 
hucksters walking the west and their probably going to get cocky about it.

"Hey Bob, these townfolk won't give us what we need"
"Well Jim, we'll just show them the error of their ways."
-Town disappears in a flash of light-
-Cleaners show up soon after-

Or if they're careful/good natured towards townfolk, a suitable abomination 
to face off against in front of witnesses should be enough to call down some 
attention from High Places.

Or create a critter that eats magic (aka the ysilmmery <spelling> from the 
T. Zahn Star Wars books. They were critters that surpressed the force for 
several meters around them to the point of it not working, period.) While 
these probably wouldn't be a major evil in themselves, the big baddy their 
going to face might just have his/her/it's hidey hole in a forest heavily 
populated by these creatures.

Marshal Otto
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