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Re: [DL] Loads of Questions

>1. What is the total cost (die rolls, appeasment, bounty) for getting a new
>favor using ask the spirits and how reliable are they (the spirits not the

5 bounty points, 5 appeasement points, and the reliability is based on the
Hard spirit roll.

>2. Can you, (I forget) Create new favors and is this in the ghost dancers
>and I'm to dumb to see it.

You know - I can't find any rules for such.  It's more likely that the
Shaman discovers a forgotten pact with the spirits and starts to call upon it.
On a spectacular conclusion of an adventure where the Shaman has performed
an incredible favor for a spirit, the spirit may agree to a new pact
between humanity and spirit.  It would have to be incredible, because the
spirit is in effect binding his entire race. . . 
Mechanically - it would have to be a judgement call, balancing the power
and appeasement of the new favor compared to ones that currently exist.

>3. With the changes in the hexslinging skill from a bunch of different
>skills how does this affect the brain drain backlash types?  If a huckster
>loses a level in a hex permenantly does that mean just that hex or his whole
>hexslinging skill?


Skills: Hexslinging
Q)	Here is my question, what if you lose a point of Hexslingin' to brain
drain (a form of backlash) or some other means?  When you buy it back, do
you get another Hex? - ?
A)	This one's easier than it sounds to answer. Under the new system, your
huckster only get hexes equal to his hexslingin' level at character
creation. This is meant to reflect the fact that a character who's studied
hexslingin' more is likely to have also learned more hexes.
Q)	From that point on, if your character wants to learn a new hex, he has
to spend 5 bounty to do so. Raising his hexslingin' _never_ gets him a new
hex under the revised rules. (The same applies, BTW, to blessed, shaman,
A)	With that logic, your hero don't gain a hex when he raises his
hexslingin' a level, nor does he lose a hex when his hexslingin' level
drops.  Make sense? [John Goff, DL listserv, 3/13/00]

>4. How many pages is a short treateies on whist? (huckster with the copy

Um - my 1883 edition has the whist section at 63 pages.  I don't know how
many pages one of the original 13 editions would have.  

>5.For quickness is it 1 card plus one for each success and raise or just one
>for each success and raise? This could mean the difference between long and
>short combat rounds.

1 + 1per success/raise.  That way everyone who doesn't go bust pulls a card.

>6. (Opinion) Would gluttony be a mortal sin or just a minor sin? (blessed
>with big un and abuseive powers)

It's one of the 7 Deadly Sins.  I wouldn't hammer the PC with it - just
when he roleplays his hindrance.  :-)

>7. Would it be possible to be a huckster/Blessed without angering any gods?
>If so what would one call this new hybrid we already have metal mages,
>chineese mystics, a Blessed Shaman (NPC somewhere don't ask me where), and
>the Hexslinger, what would a good name for a huckster/blessed be?

Blessed: Hucksters
Q)	Hucksters can be "good" guys right? "Good" guys can have the Faith
aptitude without being Blessed, right? So hucksters can have the faith
aptitude and use the Protection miracle. Problem is that sinnin' can reduce
your faith (or cut off your miracles for a while at least) so does trucking
with manitous (demons) as hucksters do constitute a sin? I could argue both
ways but I wondered what the list (and any "official"    hombres) reckoned?
- John
A)	It would all depend on the huckster's justification and explanation,
IMO. Followers of the hermetic traditions in Europe believed a man had to
have a pure spirit and soul to be able to perform magic. Alchemists also
pushed the "divine mysteries of the Lord" aspect of their work. So I could
definitely see an argument for it not being a sin in and of
itself--especially since the huckster isn't "cutting a deal" with the
manitou but actually forcing it to do his bidding.   My personal take is
that although others in the Weird West may perceive it as "evil" the
determining factor is actually what the huckster does with his powers
rather than simply exercising them. [John Goff, DL listserv, 4/28/99]
A)	Hmm. Good question! I'd have to say a huckster with faith should only
use his spells in serious situations. If he used phantom fingers to help
him cheat at cards, to play a prank on someone, or some other spurious use,
I'd say playing with the manitou was a minor sin. Otherwise, I think the
Big Guy would understand. [Shane Hensley, DL listserv, 4/29/99]
Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - www.darious.com/deadlands

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Martin Luther King:
It had a dream.