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RE: [DL] Loads of Questions

-----Original Message-----
6. (Opinion) Would gluttony be a mortal sin or just a minor sin? (blessed
with big un and abuseive powers)

A Mortal Sin is defined by the Roman Catholic Church (so this may vary with
the religion of the character) as one that "destroys charity in the heart of
man by a grave violation of God's law."  It must be committed with full
knowledge of it being a sin and must be a grave matter -- generally
considered to be the Ten Commandments.  Gluttony is a "capital sin," so
named because "they engender other sins and vices."

All info from the current "Catechism of the Catholic Church."  If you really
want to get hard core on this, earlier catechisms are available online
somewhere (I don't recall the site offhand -- I made use of it once while
researching the Church's reasons for refusing ordination to women....).

Hope this helps.

Matt DeForrest