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Re: [DL] huckster problem...

Terry Laverty wrote:

>> Believe me, killin' them off merciful-like is yer
best solution. And draw their card(s) to see if they
are Harrowed in secret. That way, if you draw a joker
ya can lie.<<

"B.....b..b..but that's not fair", all the players on the list gasp. :)

Personally I would always let my players draw their own cards for returning
from the dead, there is not that great a chance of getting a joker (but it
depends on your grit).  Anyway, with the worst nightmare scenario to run for
the newly Harrowed character the Marshal can legitimately mess around with
the character making it harder to gain domination initially.  Once  in this
situation the Marshal can have whoever he likes come lookin' for the
huckster because of something that happened while the Manitou was in

The best way I find of equalising things is to let the party meet
themselves.  My lot like head shots to the exclusion of anything else, so I
just let them face a number of gunslingers who use similar tactics and they
drop like flies, or they meet someone who is invulnerable to bullets etc.
I've always liked the sniper Huckster who soul Blasts from range without any
penalties - never had to use it, but I like it all the same.  If all else
fails use their background - players generally include something that they
hope will never turn up in play.

Huckstering with our group hasn't been a problem, we started  off with the
old rules (ie buying hexes like aptitudes) when I showed our resident
huckster player the amendments, he said "nah, don't like it, I prefer it the
way it is".  I figured that if he's happy with it so was I, so we've just
ignored the new rules up till now.  Our Huckster player also manages to draw
the Black Joker on average once a session, which always keeps things
entertaining (for me that is :))

Roy -my players handicap themselves- Spence