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Re: [DL] a questioning player (MAJOR SPOILERS!)


> Unlike Vampires and Werewolves, who are merely supernatural, 
> they are creatures of the Reckoning, and the creation of the 
> Reckoners themselves. 

I do not have RVC2, so I may be wrong. But even if the player does not have to 
know this, Vampires and Werewolves are supernatural, just like harrowed. What is
a creation of the reckoners are the manitous inside the harrowed, the manitous 
inspiring mad scientists, and the manitous the huxter /try to/ handle. The 
manitous are supernatural just as the manitous and all the creatures of the 
Reckoners. As a marshal, I would consider ANY supernatural creature as a 
creation of the reckoners.

> a Huckster can freely raise a fear level (Nightmare Land).
> a Harrowed can raise an army of Walkin' Dead (Unholy Host).
> apart from a possible Black Chip, neither type suffers a 
> "corruption" type penalty,

As a marshal, I would probably not tell the player that even if it is not stated
in the rules, willingly raising the fear level would be a good reason to award 
him his first corruption point.

Anyway, my players only know few things about the game world. Not so many 
vampires in the remains of California in 1868...

> "According to Book of the Dead, Vampires are "free willed" 

I don't remember the whole Book of the Dead, but if he as a player has read 
this, he might have been in the marshal section. And anyway, the BotD does not 
really tell anything about vampires (no stats, nothing). So the information 
there might be different from what is in RVC2.

As a side question, has the player been through PC Death Train (the first place 
where I read about Vampires in Deadlands) ?

Vincent Vandemeulebrouck
The French tinhorn with a Great name