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RE: [DL] Money: How much is too much?

One solution on the horses: Have them branded as property by someone other
than the gang.  Thus, the players will be returning stolen property and not
be able to sell the horses.  Guns?  Have them confiscated by the law as
evidence.  Miscellaneous gear?  That belongs to the dead's relatives or the
living -- otherwise the posse could be accused of just being bushwhackers.
Worse, just have the local store owner turn up his nose at the material or
have the local minister ask them for the mundane items as charity for the

Of course, give them a chance to sell off some of the material some of the
time or to "replace" goods damaged in the fight.  If you want to give them
money, give them assignments that bleed some of it off.  My posse was
getting fairly wealthy until the mad scientist and alchemist started doing
their thing -- that soaked up a lot of cash very quickly.

Their current assignment includes expenses.  I'm wondering how they will
react when they realize they have not been asking for receipts all this


-----Original Message-----
In my campaign, my players pick up everything that isn't nailed down and
sell it off at the next opportunity.  I'm talking guns, horses, found mad
science, stuff like that.  This is causing them to garner vast sums of
wealth relative to the average annual income.