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Re: [DL] Re: {DL} Playing the Dark Side

--- travis lide <sinisterdexter@mindspring.com> wrote:
> It actually CAN work as long as the player isn't out
> to simply destroy the
> campaign... I made a Huckster once who would use the
> trick Whisper to make
> children cry, and would use Nightmare Realm to raise
> the Fear Level and cast
> Phantasm on his targets. Basically, he was an
> a$$hole from hell... but he
> wouldn't do those things to the posse, and he was
> loyal to them... maybe
> that's not as evil as you're talking about, but it's
> about as evil as you
> can get and maintain your game, IMO..

Wouldn't these actions RAISE the fear level, thus
affecting the posse?

In my view, if the actions raise the fear level, they
are evil (for the purposes of the reckoners).  If they
don't, then they are not.  So stealing or killing
bandits would not be considered evil (unless the
players are in a town inhabited by bandits, ergo
because the fear level goes up).  

Evil is subjective.  Instead of looking at the
actions, look at the results of the actions to decide
if it would be considered 'reckoner worthy' evil or
not.  Simple acts like lying and intimidation in town
may do more for raising the fear levels, and thusly
would be considered more evil than killing a lone
mountainer whose been away from society for years.

-Munch Wolf

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