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Re: [DL] Random RV&C2 quesitons

> That kinda leads into a question I had.  I've run into the end of some
"scenarios" where the taking-down of the Big Baddy (the culminating evil
formerly known as >the Fearmonger) turns out to be an anti-climax.  For
instance, "Coming Around the Mountain" ended with a a very quick resolution.
You know, the "Caw, caw.  >BANG!  Oh ----, I'm dead!" ending -- the bug
didn't hold up for the few seconds it took to describe it!  I ran it
straight too!  It just flat out didn't have a chance.
> So, here's the dilemma:  I didn't reward fate chips for the resolution of
the adventure.  I know, I know -- that's pretty unfair.  But, I felt, there
was just no risk to >the PC's.  Therefore, no real "threat" that fate would
look kindly upon.  So, did I do a bad thing or a good thing?

     Note to all Marshalls out there. The dice/cards/chips are not God. YOU
ARE!!! There's nothing wrong with inflating stats, fudging rolls, or
inventing new powers on the spot in order to give your players a better
time. That's why we have GM screens, after all. It's definitely possible to
overdo things, and the posse should be allowed to reap the benefits of lucky
rolls once in a while, but overall, I'd say that a little cheating can add a
lot to a game. Remember, the mission of Marshalls is to create fun and
memorable gaming sessions, not adhere to the rules at all costs.
