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Re: [DL] soul burst hex vs massive damage

> under the description of the soul burst hex it says- treat damage as
> is this for the blast radius or also the new massive damage rules.
> ie
> hex does 4 wounds, roll 1d6 and apply 4 wounds to that many locations and
> the same location is rolled it stacks.

It does mean use massive damage and blast radius both. However, the new
massive damage rules detailed in HOE are optional in the Deadlands setting
as of the Agency sourcebook (due out pretty soon now). Come to think of it,
_all_ our rules are optional... ;-)

Sure, it's not entirely internally consistent to run a multiple-setting
system that way, but some folks like their DL games a little more cinematic
and want the heroes to have a shot surviving a dynamite blast. The new
system also makes some of the area-affect spells from Hucksters & Hexes a
whole heckuva lot more powerful, so you might want to weigh it before you
introduce it to your game.

If you need a "logical" reason, two hundred years down the road, explosives
are a lot more powerful than they are in the Weird West where dynamite is
still a relatively new invention.

I use the new rules, BTW, but be warned, they add to the body count.

John Goff