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Re: [DL] Needing some Blessed Relic Ideas

Horace Black wrote:

>   In one of my adventures, I had used a true piece of
> the cross of Christ, that when used by a Christian
> blessed increased their faith aptitude by +2 for the
> purposes of using a miracle, it could also be used as
> a primitive club (although I wouldn't recommend it) to
> affect abominations and it could be used by the
> blessed to resurrect the dead (although there was a
> very slim chance of it working for this purpose).  If
> the blessed ever used it for selfish or monetary
> reasons it would vanish to show up somewhere else in
> the world.
>   In a twist of irony, I had the true piece of the
> cross located in an old Spanish monastery, where the
> posse sought shelter for the night.  Unbeknownst to
> the posse the monks had all been killed by a group of
> vampires, who where using this place to trap victims.

Sounds like the movie, "John Carpenters: Vampires"  IS that where you
got it from?
