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Re: [DL] A Query for all you Marshals out there!

>>Doc Dread here.
I have been given an interesting dilemma in the Deadlands game I run.  You see, the posse I run with, they're the type to shoot first and forget any questions that may be asked.<<

remember Pumpkinhead?  or a cooler example, a circa 50's movie called Forbidden Planet?  in it an abomination is created from the mind of a mentally enhanced scientist.  the conection these two movies have is the connection that the characters share.  the main baddie in both movies has a mental connection to a human character.  use this example but have the creature connected to a 10 year old girl or other very innocent being.  being that the reckoners sometimes draw directly from the human mind for it's horrible creations this would be plausible (but what isn't in DL eh? ; )  make the beasty impervious to physical attacks, as in the movies the only way to destroy it is to destroy it's 'anchor', namely the little girl.  this should put them in a dilemma, unless they are a bunch of sickos.  they have to find another way to deal with the creep.  some possible resolutions might be to talk to the girl (phychiatry), excorcise her (maybe there's a manitou inside her), destroy some artifact that was given to her that has the power to render her thoughts reality.  there's plenty of possibilities.  
make the process of finding out about the girl a long, drawn out episode to frustrate the trigger happy cowpokes.  

hope this helps.

undead and loving it, rustler


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