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RE: [DL] Looking for Alchemy resources

I can't help you with alchemy resources (so maybe I should just end this
message now), but I do have an excellent resource for snake-oil salesman.
There's a book called, "Step Right Up" by Brooks McNamara. It talks about
everything from traveling medicine shows to advertisements and ingredients
for tonic, and even includes a glossary of Pitchmen's Terms. Things like the
fact that 'Wizard's Oil' was a tonic made from camphor, ammonia, chloroform,
sassafras, cloves and turpentine, and was at times from 55 to 70 percent
alcohol. It's perfect for when your Johnny-come-lately wants to turn the tip
with a short con in a hot spot to make a little velvet. Just watch out for
the fuzz, squawkers and lot lice.
Derek D. Bass
Etheric Musings -- The Science of the Sons of Ether
Howdy Folks

I am hoping to finally start up a Deadlands campaign.  Yes I'll be asking
for advice soon.  But first this.  One of my potential players wants to run
a Snake Oil Salesman that is also an alchemist.  Sounds like a good combo ,
first he makes it then he sells it.

Does anyone know of any good alchemy resources?

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