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[DL] High Noon Questions/Comments <SHANE>

Somebody has to be first...

I'll start with some general comments:
I love the fact that a lot of questions asked over the past
few years (a lot of them by me) are directly
answered/clarified in the rules, such as Aces (running),
"running" while crawling, Fate Chips for Damage, A sweet
simple Hold system, etc. 

Posse Power: Nice!

The Cost and Bounty on the troop card on p.10 is incorrect.
 (Cost should be 50, bounty 10)


1.  Allies:  Do you need to spend the chip if no one else
bids for an ally? Specifically, can I bid 0 knowing that no
one else is looking to ally with that gang?

2.  Ally Leader: Do you just need one hero for all allies
or does each posse need to be led by a hero?

3.  Multiple Actions:  Am I correct to assume that the
"Golden Rule of Movement" has gone away?  Specifically, a
troop with two actions can now move fully (run, etc.) on
each action?

4.  Horses:  Can a rider move, mount, and move?  What
about with running (ex: Hero runs up to horse ]-2" for
mount] , mounts, runs horse [-2" from mount])?

5.  Hero Death: This is an old one that I can't find the
answer to.  If a hero is put down, do all, or just
friendlies,  make the guts check?  If it is only
friendlies, what about allied heroes?

That's all. Great job and I'm glad that you will start
selling minis again!
Will you be selling them at cons, as well?

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