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Re: [DL] High Noon Questions/Comments <SHANE>

At 01:17 PM 4/26/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Somebody has to be first...
>I'll start with some general comments:
>I love the fact that a lot of questions asked over the past
>few years (a lot of them by me) are directly
>answered/clarified in the rules, such as Aces (running),
>"running" while crawling, Fate Chips for Damage, A sweet
>simple Hold system, etc. 
>Posse Power: Nice!
>The Cost and Bounty on the troop card on p.10 is incorrect.
> (Cost should be 50, bounty 10)

Got it.

>1.  Allies:  Do you need to spend the chip if no one else
>bids for an ally? Specifically, can I bid 0 knowing that no
>one else is looking to ally with that gang?

Page 11 - No chips, no allies.  I'm going to go out on a limb and state
that anytime you want to use allies, it's going to cost you a fate chip for
the bribe attempt - even if nobody else is bidding at all.

>2.  Ally Leader: Do you just need one hero for all allies
>or does each posse need to be led by a hero?

One leader for the allied Gang.

>3.  Multiple Actions:  Am I correct to assume that the
>"Golden Rule of Movement" has gone away?  Specifically, a
>troop with two actions can now move fully (run, etc.) on
>each action?


>4.  Horses:  Can a rider move, mount, and move?  What
>about with running (ex: Hero runs up to horse ]-2" for
>mount] , mounts, runs horse [-2" from mount])?

I dunno.  Shane?

>5.  Hero Death: This is an old one that I can't find the
>answer to.  If a hero is put down, do all, or just
>friendlies,  make the guts check?  If it is only
>friendlies, what about allied heroes?

Hmm. . . the page states that ALL troops within 6" of the hero has to make
a Guts check.   I would say that this includes allies as well.
Though I want to ask Shane if this includes enemy troops as well?

>That's all. Great job and I'm glad that you will start
>selling minis again!
>Will you be selling them at cons, as well?


Got a couple I want to ask as well:
When you Jump on another troop  you are supposed to halve the number of
dice rolled - coming from a height of  6-12", you would roll a base 3d6.
Would that be roll 1.5d6 for the damage then?

Just a clarification for the accumulated rulings:  Fightin' Damage - the
fate chip spent on damage has to be spent on the Strength part of the damage.

Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - www.darious.com/deadlands

Everybody dies.  Whether you die on your feet or on your knees, is entirely
up to you.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Any Late Evening News Anchor:
The chicken crosses the road. Film at 11:00.