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Re: [DL] Heavens Bounty Hunters

  I'm not sure what you mean by a Living Harrowed (I'm
guessing that would make him equivalent to being demon
possessed).  If you want to keep with a
Judeo/Christian theme then send two angels after him
(I would treat these as blesseds with all the miracles
and faith 10d12+2, because they are angels) although,
I think you would REALLY have to piss God off to get
him to send a couple of angels after you.  Hope this
                                   Horace Black

--- Max Trebilcock <max.trebilcock@virgin.net> wrote:
> Hi List,
> Wondering if you can throw some more ideas my way, I
> have a PC who after
> commiting some very dark deeds as part of the
> Betting YOur Soul
> Campaign, has ended up a Living Harrowed without all
> the nice powers and
> things, plus he has to draw Five cards per day
> against the Manitou to
> see who has control.
> Now part of his Punishment is to have a couple of
> Celestial
> Agents/creatures etc after him, they cannot be
> destoyed by Mortal man
> and his only way to get them off his back is to seek
> redemption before
> they do him in?
> So what or who are these Bounty Hunters, what can
> they do. Etc
> Any ideas would be great, as I'm struck?
> Max
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