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Re: [DL] the war in the (far) west

Mr. Joe Meyerson wrote:
>Thank you for your input, Mr. McGlothlin.

	You're quite welcome, good sir.

>Actually, I'm very curious about
>the DL version of military history in general.

	Ahhh, a kindred spirit....:) 
	I had the course of the entire War from 1863-76 outlined for *Tales o'
Terror: 1877*, and that book contains as much of that outline as PEG is
ever likely to publish. So please allow me to humbly (plug) recommend
(plug, plug) the book to you (plug, plug, plug) for more detailed answers
to your queries.
	Here's some general answers to your questions:

>How did the Confederacy manage *not* to collapse after four years?

	Strange and bad things started happening to the Union war effort during
mid-1863 (and all good Deadlanders know the significance of THAT particular
time), and kept happening long enough for the Confederacy to manumit its
slaves into their military and promote the brilliant Patrick Cleburne to
Army command.

>Did they get their foreign aid after all?

	Yes, and blockade-free since 1865.

>Was the Reckoning somehow a more severe blow to the North than to the South?

	Ultimately, yes.

>Also, there must have been at least a few notable campaigns between '65
and '76 (not to mention the real ones that must've turned out differently) 

	Many battles from our history did have substantially different outcomes in
*DL*, but the War from 1865-76 has been an extended, bloody stalemate for
the most part.  

>... do the "Back East" sourcebooks discuss the war in any detail?

	There's some War-related material in both *BE* books, but *TOT77* has more.

	Ahhhh, what the heck! Buy *TOT:77* AND *Back East: the South*! They're
both great!:):):):)

>And if you don't mind my asking, what's the "JSA" sourcebook?

	I'm currently busy working on the Justice Society of America Sourcebook
for West End Games' *DC Universe* RPG. (Quite the challenge to answer
War-related questions and write biographies for the Red Bee and the Human
Bomb at the same time, I found.;))


	You're very welcome! Please let me know if I may be of further assistance.

Deo Vindice,
Christopher McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Additional Developer: *Deadlands: The Weird West* Revised Edition
Co-author of *Tales o' Terror: 1877* & *Back East: The South*
Southern by the Grace of God