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Re: [DL] the war in the (far) west

Thank you for your input, Mr. McGlothlin.  Actually, I'm very curious about
the DL version of military history in general.  How did the Confederacy
manage *not* to collapse after four years?  Did they get their foreign aid
after all?  Was the Reckoning somehow a more severe blow to the North than
to the South?  Also, there must have been at least a few notable campaigns
between '65 and '76 (not to mention the real ones that must've turned out
differently) ... do the "Back East" sourcebooks discuss the war in any

And if you don't mind my asking, what's the "JSA" sourcebook?


-- Joe M.

> Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 16:45:26 -0400
> From: cmcgloth@halifax.com
> Subject: Re: [DL] the war in the (far) west
> Mr. Joe Meyerson wrote:
>> Does DL canon mention any major military campaigns or engagements in the far
>> west?
> The actual War made it as far west as the New Mexico-Arizona Territories,
> and *Tales o' Terror: 1877* sets up a major military conflagration in
> Kansas. There's scattered fighting in the Maze, and that's about all I can
> recall after a LOOOOOONG night working on the JSA Sourcebook.
> I hope this somehow helps....
> Deo Vindice,
> Christopher McGlothlin, M.Ed.
> Additional Developer: *Deadlands: The Weird West* Revised Edition
> Co-author of *Tales o' Terror: 1877* & *Back East: The South*
> Southern by the Grace of God