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Re: [DL] WWW (OT)

> Yup.  Didn't like the movie, but you can be dern certain I bought the
> Burger King toy of the spider.  :-)

Heck, I waited until Toys 'R-Us put the steam tank and flying bicycle on
sale for $10 (or less) each and snatched them up. They make wonderful
desktop decorations. I also got the Artemus figure 'cause it had the
head-projector thing. Artemus is long gone, but I stare that head in the
face every day when I sit down to the computer.

OTOH, I saw Once Upon a Time in China and America (actually, I bought it)
and found it rather amusing. It's a Jet Li kung fu flick set in the Old
West. They got a little gratuitous with the wire acrobatics once or twice,
but it's still amusing.

John "Hated it" Goff