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Re: [DL] Howdy etc.

> Anyway, the ten points of Hindrances I gave her during character creation
> really don't apply to unlife (ailin' and night terrors), so I was wondering
> if I had to replace them, buy them off, or simply take my five new points of
> undead hindrances and be done with it.

Be a Marshal's call on the buying off the old Hindrances. I'd just take
the 5 points of new and be done with it. Btw, it just has to be 5 points
of Hindrances. They don't have to be Harrowed Hindrances, but those are
fun. "Night Terrors" is a good one to reflect everything the character
saw in the Hunting Grounds while they were taking their [abbreviated]
dirt nap. 

Or your Marshal can pick them for you. If the Marshal will let you pick,
I'd take that. Otherwise you get stuck with things like "Unnatural
Appetite: Human Flesh" [even though that was really mostly because of
the *other* Harrowed in the posse. The one that was a sniper in the war
and has a Greater Manitou riding shotgun.]

You can see where I'm going with that ;]

Mike the Dead Guy
"You know you've found the woman of your dreams when she says you can
'tap her mana'."