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Re: [DL] Howdy etc.

on 6/4/00 2:34 PM, Machine-gun Kelly at mgkelly@axom.com wrote:

>> Anyway, the ten points of Hindrances I gave her during character creation
>> really don't apply to unlife (ailin' and night terrors), so I was wondering
>> if I had to replace them, buy them off, or simply take my five new points of
>> undead hindrances and be done with it.
> Be a Marshal's call on the buying off the old Hindrances. I'd just take
> the 5 points of new and be done with it. Btw, it just has to be 5 points
> of Hindrances. They don't have to be Harrowed Hindrances, but those are
> fun. "Night Terrors" is a good one to reflect everything the character
> saw in the Hunting Grounds while they were taking their [abbreviated]
> dirt nap. 
> Or your Marshal can pick them for you. If the Marshal will let you pick,
> I'd take that. Otherwise you get stuck with things like "Unnatural
> Appetite: Human Flesh" [even though that was really mostly because of
> the *other* Harrowed in the posse. The one that was a sniper in the war
> and has a Greater Manitou riding shotgun.]
> You can see where I'm going with that ;]

Well, all things considered, I was planning on assigning some of my own.
I'm not going to force you (Daphné) to buy off Ailin' (since you ARE dead,
after all...  how much more ailin' could you be?), but you WILL be keeping
Night Terrors.

You know, the 22nd is seeming a long, long way away.  (Finale of 'The Quick
and the Undead' ... yes, you can all groan now.)

As for the five points of Harrowed-related Hindrances, I'm open to
suggestions (I just reserve the right not to use them).

Ross Coburn