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[DL] RE: (DL) Fear Effects

Munch Wolf Wrote,
>Just before the list went down, I was asking various
>people how they incorporate different Fear Effects
>into their adventures.  I've finally finished that
>project, and the results can be found at Max
>Trebilcock's Path of The Arcane:

>The idea is to help Marshals with a new approach to
>making their own home brewed adventures, or modifying
>existing ones.  I hope everyone takes a look at it and
>lets me know what they think.

Just to add a little endorsement to Munch Wolfs modesty, what he
neglects to say is that he has penned a damned dine Marshals Aid.
I've playtested the tables and they work very well, also just reading
through the tables in text generate a number of Adventure ideas in
