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Re: [DL] cardstock cowboys

Response to the Cardstock Cowboys on the GRW list was mostly hate and
bile, but we're just a bunch of stodgy old purists anyway.  I personally
like the Cardstock minis for use in the RPG, since there's a wider
variety, and I don't want to spend $5 on a monster mini that I'll use in
one adventure.  However, I don't think I'll ever be found using them for
actual minis game play (maybe as temporary substitutes for steam wagons
'n' such).
One thing I noticed about them that would make using them in GRW/High
Noon really obnoxious is that posses are groups of 5 figures, but the
cardstock cowboy packs only come with 4 of each type.

On Tue, 11 Jul 2000 09:38:17 -0400 Sean Michael Whipkey
<highway@cstone.net> writes:
> All of the RPG players that I've talked to like them.
> I've talked to one or two GRW only players, and they hated them.  
> They
> vehemently expressed their desire for more minis, and feel kinda let
> down by PEG.  I told them to make sure that they got online and 
> checked
> the mailing list and the web page to see what's being done, and if 
> they
> have a question/comment/gripe, whatever, to let someone know! :-)

From Whom It May Concern,
Rich A Ranallo

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