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Re: [DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20000725-3 [OT]

Okay, I've been good about not commenting on the
"Blah: The Blah" game group, but this was a great
opportunity.  Feel free to skip, it's OT.
--- Reuben McCallum <bloopy40@hotmail.com> wrote:
> character. I played some 
> LARP for vampire for bit, and that was all these
> problems accentuated to the 
> Nth degree. 

Sad to say, my first "role playing" experience was
with Vampire LARP.  Let's just say that (a) getting
dressed up and running around in the dark was at first
more fun than the game itself, and (b) half of the
politics of the LARP's had nothing to do with gaming
and everything to do with picking up on brainless
nitwits like myself.  To anyone who actually ran a
LARP of this as a GAME, I appologize; I never saw it.

> The other books in the series continued these flaws.
> When I first read mage 
> I was stunned - that book got me to read 1984, Zen
> and the Art of Motorcycle 
> maintenence, and a whole host of other Philosophical
> texts (at the age of 
> 16, mind). But the supplements were weak (except for
> the book of madness, 
> and some of the technocracy books), but importantly,
> their story remained 
> undeveloped.

I actually like Mage the most of the series, because
an ex-boyfriend was best friends with one of their
writers for a while.  Getting the info "from the
source" helped alot.  Plus this system, out of all of
them, has the most potential for raw creation.

> Wraith had an extraordinary
> setting, but it was nigh on 
> unplayable. 

We actually thought of a way around one; we need to
get one person to GM it, and then let our normal GM
(who is the meanest, scariest, sickest man you'll ever
by GM'ed by, and those are his good points!) play the
voice over your sholder of the whole party.  I don't
think we'll ever do it, but it's the one storyteller
we think is salvagable, other than possibly Wraith.

> Even gun-monkeys roleplay in Deadlands, because the
> rules encourage it 
> instead of beating you around the head with the line
> "think about your 
> character". 

Encourage is such a mild word; you get ARMOR!  I
haven't met a rampant combat monster yet (myself
included) who didn't jump at that opportunity!

Marguerite of EMGB, otherwise known as Maggie Jensen



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