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[DL] Posse Fate Chips

Here's one for the list (which, by the way, is FAR less hostile and elitist
than the Delta Green list.  And having been around Call of Cthulhu since it
was first published, and being part of online discussion groups since 1988,
I have a low tolerance for such nonsense, so of course here I am wasting
bandwidth telling y'all how annoyed I'm not <g>).

That out of the way, here's my question/poll for this evening:

How heavily do your posses go through the chips allocated them, and under
what circumstances?  How much do you tend to award, and how much do they
tend to convert to bounty?

In our case, I tend to grand an average of 1.5 Red chips between sessions
(for in-game accomplishments the previous game etc), plus the odd Red or
rare Blue on the spot, as well as an assortment of whites for minor
accomplishments, hindrances and being clever.  Extra awards and Legend
chips at the end of major encounters as appropriate, of course (and I use a
modified form of Black chip as well).

That said, some posse members have started a game with as many as seven
chips before play begins (and possibly converting some to bounty).  By the
end of the night, if there's a combat of any serious nature (which there
has tended to be of late, though I have had a couple of sessions
deliberately low-keyed in order to allow them to accumulate a few chips
when I suspect they'll need 'em the next game), they tend to be out of
chips or scraping the bottom.

Most chips spent on wound negation (they are SUCH a bunch of sissies!  As
though losing an arm or leg would really be so bad.  Why, in my day...),
occasional improvements of important (failed) dice rolls, that's about it.

They never spend 'em to add to an already good or great roll to make it
extraordinary, and in order to keep me away from the chips they tend to
spend whites and hope for the best rather than a Red for a more certain
improvement.  Reds appear to generally be either for wound negation or
spent when I already have a big enough pile that it no longer matters.  Now
that there are a pair of Black chips in the pot, I wonder how that will
affect the red spending.

Finally, as a rule, they're pretty generous helping each other out with
chips (almost always to prevent wounds).  In fact, if not for this I'd say
one or two of them on average might walk out of a night's session in
considerably better shape, chip-wise, if they let their compadre twist in
the wind a little more.
