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Re: [DL] Tallies for favourite RPG votes

> Ok Let me open a can of worms by asking for the worst five games.

In no particualr order, it's too tough. And for that mater, does not include
complete pieces of junk that no one ever heard of or bought. There's too
much material there.

1. Rifts. (ok, so this one might be *my* worst of worst)
2. Street Fighter - it's true, one of the worst pieces of dreck from out
pals at White Wolf.
3. Mechwarrior - one word, 'ick'
4. Anything in the Amazing Engine series
5. Mythus

Some good, but mostly unknown toss-ins;
Juvenile Delinquents
It came from the late, late, late show
Geez, this could go on forever

I'm sure if I thought hard enough I could think of *at least* four or five
crappy games that Gary Gygax had something to do with.

And, what the hell, worst minis games;
Star Wars minis battles
Trinity Battleground
The never released Rifts minis game seen at GenCon 98
Moon Dragon

Am I being too rough here?

Chris Aniballi
Hyper-critical jack-a@#....
The piano is firewood, Times Square is a dream
I find we'll lay down together in the cold, cold ground
Tom Waits - "Cold Cold Ground"