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Re: [DL] Worst Games

Ah ... a flame-fest ... ^_^

1.  Aftermath
    The only thing in the world I've ever heard an engineer describe as
"too math-heavy."  I tried generating a character as part of my quest to
have a character in my stable for every RPG ever created ... and I just
could not figure out how.

2.  Rifts
    Take Shadowrun.  Remove everything that's cool (not that there's all
that much that is).  Graft on the clunkiest, kludgiest mechanics this side
of Warhammer 40k.

3.  Wraith
    I'm all for emotional roleplaying, but when the emotion in question is
futility ... I mean jeez, I half think the Prozac people were behind this.

4.  Mythus
    I swear, the first time I read this I thought it HAD to be a spoof.  In
fact, I reached the same conclusion the second, third, and every subsequent
time I've picked it up.

5.  Marvel Super Heroes
    Not the SAGA version with the cards.  The one that used the skill table
from Gamma World for absolutely everything.  I was forced to run this for
half a year, and it was probably the most miserable gaming experience of my
life.  It's been said that Deadlands can turn munchkins into roleplayers
... well, MSH will change them right back again.

Although, mind, there are many worse games than these.  They just don't
usually get published, is all.  ;)

R. Serena Wakefield (raistw@gate.net)
Visit Serena's Roleplaying Dojo:  http://welcome.to/serenasdojo/