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Re: [DL] RE: Ironclad colors (OT by this time, I should think)

>>Actually, grey isn't a primary color; only red, yellow and blue are
>>(assuming you're talking about pigments)
>>Yes, it's a stupid comment, but it's 8 AM and I haven't slept tonight;
>>that's why I put OT in the subject line...
> Umm, isn't it Red, Green and Blue (not yellow) that are the primaries?  I
> know that's what my Macintosh thinks...
> <g>
Your Macintosh is wrong. Green is the result of blue and yellow mixed
together, so it's not considered a primary.

Just my two cents. Am I any closer to a dollar yet? *g*

Daphné "Trying valiantly to be more pedantic than Brian" Brunelle
 "I've really got to learn to just do the damage and get out of town. It's
the 'stay and gloat' that gets me every time."
                                  --Ethan Rayne, in Buffy the Vampire Slayer