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Re: [DL] Ahem - I'll Make Ya Famous...

At 07:18 PM 8/2/00 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 8/2/00 12:43:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>graveyardgreg@netzero.net writes:
><< >Funny, at Origins, you told me those were the drugs you took to get
>  >completely "gonzo raving mad," as you put it. Or am I thinking of
>  >different drugs?
>  Different drugs--the gonzo drugs are for when I want to tap into the power
>  of Goff, and kill off my posse
>  Graveyard Greg
>   >>
>   GG - Who are you trying to kid - I've never seen anyone work harder to try
>to keep a party alive than you.  Or had you not taken your gonzo drugs yet?
>Scott "The first in the party to die despite Greg's efforts" Mickelson

It was early in the morning, and I'm generally not a morning person.

Secondly, it's not my fault you guys made the bad guts rolls

3rd, you admitted you were on the Deadlands Mailing list

Lastly, I have to make sacrifices to the UberGoff, or he gets angry.

Graveyard Goff

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