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Re: [DL] Martial Arts balance

At 03:55 PM 8/7/00, you wrote:
> > Iron Monkey is one of the greatest films of all time.  really.
>I'm becoming more partial to Tai Chi Master (or Twin Warriors,
>whatever).  But either way, Yuen Woo-Ping is the master of the wire
>gag.  For those of you not into this sort of thing, Woo-Ping
>choreographed all the fight scenes in The Matrix.
>You know that theory that a good director can get a good bit of acting
>from any actor?  Well, Woo-Ping got good Kung Fu out of Keanu Reeves.

wow. new fact for me. did not know that.  However, your point seems proven.

> > Or just the tried and true HoE technique of keep throwing shit at them till
> > their chi runs out.
>I'm sorry, but I think you're confusing that tactic with Night Train :-)
>(sorry Goff, had to)

oh but of course. ;-)

> > Has caused tension before.  Of course, when the Huckster is hit, he tends
> > to go splat alot faster she than does (typical AD&D fighter/mage scenario I
> > guess)
>Well, see, that's the thing.  A Huckster can dish out a good portion of
>damage, but if one was to explore a damage/bounty experience track, the
>Martial Artist would probably win out.  Also, the Martial Artist would
>risk less when trying to deal out the big dice, and he'd also be able to
>dodge and take hits.  Whereas the Huckster wouldn't.

Dodge, and the fact the MA has built her Fighten' to 6 and uses swords so 
when the hoards of zombies/croakers/chainsaw wielding maniacs rushes them 
she is hard to hit.

see, we have yet to make an "Iron Monkey" joke.