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[DL] First in a series...

For those of you not inclined to visit my humble web page, here is the first
in a series of player character biographies, as told in their own words.
The first, Pavel Nikolaivich Strelnikov, is currently rotting in a cell in
the Maze, so I figure stats can wait.

I'd pimp my own site, but I forgot the URL.  Ask Daphne.  <g>

Pavel is educated man, with soul of poet. Pavel born in Piter in 1846;
father musician, mother second ballerina. Parents have soul, even if petty
bourgeois. Pavel have good childhood in good home and grow up big strong
healthy Russian lad. Parents scrape hard to send only son to university.
Pavel study languages (although, apparently, indefinite articles and certain
other finer points of English syntax and grammar are forever beyond his
grasp) Philosophy. Pavel study hard; learn monarchism evil and oppressive
and working class downtrodden. Pavel open eyes to suffering of proletariat!
Any man with soul hear clarion call of freedom! Democracy! Down with Tsar!
Down with bourgeouis pigs and running dog lackeys of police! All power to
People! [insert 15 minutes of sloganeering here]!

Pavel begin to agitate, elevate political consciousness of Piter working
class. Pavel find working class have low consciousness so crane could not
elevate. Pavel find working class too downtrodden, too oppressed, so better
to take matters into own hand and give example; Pavel get job as waiter at
opera house; one night Pavel switch nitroglycerin for wodka in bottle at bar
at intermission. Explosion kill nine members of property classes and maim
Duke! Twenty bourgeois injured! Strike mighty blow in struggle to liberate

Unfortunately, Pavel sleep with blonde tart Lara at time. Pavel not know
that Lara also sleep with bourgeois industrialist Kamarov. Lara not have
elevated political consciousness. Running bitch of bourgeois pig Kamarov
sell Pavel out to Okhrana slugs. Pavel flee to Siberia with broken heart
before Okhrana kill Pavel with knout and throw balls to dogs. Pavel laugh
hard when comrade tell him bitch Lara dump Kamarov for doctor named Zhivago
and run off to Urals. Pavel work as fireman on locomotive.

Pavel ride railway to Vladiovostok. Pavel then sign on as sailor in Imperial
ship of line Prince Yuri Vasslieivich Krotopotokin. Pavel elevate
consciousness of sailors; sailors have political consciousness! Sailors have
class consciousness! Sailors understand oppression! Slug third lieutenant
overhear; Pavel flogged and keelhauled.

Then earthquake in America; California fall into ocean. Imperial ship of
line Prince Yuri Vasslieivich Krotopotokin sent with aristocratic pig
diplomat ambassador to spy on what happen. Pavel finally convince crew to
rise up! Crew rise up, cut throats of all officers and members of property
class. Well, not all. Shoot some too. Pavel throw slug third lieutenant over
side with own hands. In barrel, with rats. Crew liberate property of
oppressors; crew have proper Russian pissup! Sailors class consciousness so
elevated, not care all navigators liquidated with rest of officer class.

Imperial ship of line Prince Yuri Vasslieivich Krotopotokin sink three days
later; hit rock in Maze. Slug of lookout drunk on duty; betray comrades. But
ship sink slow, so only half crew drown... But drown as free men! Pavel and
comrade sailors liberate boat, pistols, three bottle wodka, confiscated
property overthrown officer and artistocratic classes. Pavel and comrades
find mining town, comrades get job. Pavel not want job; Pavel hear about
ghost rock. Pavel educated man; Pavel think use ghost rock to liberate
oppressed proletariat in Rodina! Pavel plan to get ghost rock, ship back to
Russia, overthrow Tsar!

Think big healthy strapping blond Russian with cropped hair, thin face,
scary blue eyes, nasty scars all over back, one of those blue striped
Russian sailor shirts, canvas trousers, knee high leather boots, duster
liberated in name of revolution, a Smith & Wesson Russian jammed into his
belt, a knife in his boot, a bottle of wodka in the duster pocket, a
disreputable hat on head, a duffle bag with spare underwear, ammunition, a
bible that he uses for rolling paper, a journal, some pencils, a dwindling
stock of Makhorovka tobacco, a sailor's sweater, some books on anarchist
political theory, and a sextant, chronometer and textbook on celestial
navigation (until recently belonging to slug third lieutenant) that he
hasn't quite figured out yet (everything written in Russian, of course).

Yes, this is the sort of nonsense I have to put up with on a weekly basis...

Ross Coburn