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[DL] Re: PEG Cover Art

----- Original Message ----- >
> Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 18:55:06 +0100
> From: roy.ster@virgin.net
> Subject: [DL] DL] PEG Cover Art (Goff)
> Knowing nothing about art, I've struggled a bit to say what I mean,
> but I was wondering if anyone else had noticed this?
> Roy

Personally, I really disagree. While I grant that it doesn't have the "musty
dusty yellow tone" of the main book or Book O' the Dead, I like the new art.
Hexarcana's cover is certainly different, but very cool (in my opinion,
anyway). There's a sense of foreboding in the lady's eyes and smile, and yet
it almost draws you towards her. The shadows play to spectacular effect, and
the slight bit you can make out on the books on the wall would make for
*very* interesting reading to a huckster. The bony nature of her hands and
the claw-like fingernails are a nice touch, as is her head being surrounded
by a red drape (red always represents danger, death or blood in movies for
obvious reasons[good movies, anyway]).

Is it different from the old stuff? Yes. I think Hexarcana's art more speaks
to people who already know something about Deadlands and its world. As for
the Agency book, if you don't like it either, perhaps it is just Pete
Venters' art that you don't like - he did both, I believe. Personally,
Venters is an artist I can't get enough of. He and Paolo Parente are
probably my two favorite artists for Deadlands. No cover of any book will
*ever* match Fire and Brimstone, as far as I'm concerned.

I'm not saying you're wrong, though. I just don't agree. I think Pinnacle's
cover art has actually been consistently better as time has gone on (don't
get me started on the interior art). The Marshal's Guide art probably ranks
2nd in my "favorite cover" contest. It or the City O' Gloom (but only
because it has Gerald Klipstein in it twice!).

Anyway, as long as it stays better than the Smith and Robards cover, I'm

 Sinister "Media guy" Dexter