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Re: [DL] Re: Weird North bumped AGAIN

Of all the people to post in HTML, John, you should know better.


John Goff wrote:

> Thanks for the offer--I'm sure there'd be no shortage of folks willing
> to step up to the plate. :-) Unfortunately, it's not just a matter of
> writing the book. There's an awful lot of expense beyond the
> writer--and truth be told, since I'm already drawing a check anyway,
> it's probably the smallest portion. :-) Any project eats up a portion
> of our resources--there's art, editing and layout, printing, shipping,
> storage, etc. All that had to be balanced and considered when we redid
> the schedule recently. Right now, the space just isn't there. Things
> may change, but I don't want to make any promises I can't keep about
> the book. :-/ John
>      I'm fairly new to the list and all, so I don't know if this
>      is out of place, but have you considered fan participation
>      for that sourcebook ? I do recall that this was done for the
>      critters sourcebook, and I'm sure you could get people (us
>      canadians would be particularly motivated I guess) to help
>      out on this one as well if it meant the difference between
>      getting as a full sourcebook.