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New Idea (was: Re: [DL] Combined format?$$$$$$$$$$ (GOFF))

My guess is he's commenting on Shane's comment of Sales of source books being
down.  I think we went over this once before about the profitability of books,
and I seem to recall that after you take into account writing costs, art costs,
distributors slice of the pie, printing costs... and anything else I missed, a
20 dollar book only brings in a buck or two in profit.  If you think I'm
exaggerating, check the list archives for the full explanation.

As for the combined format here are my thoughts
I have mixed feelings on the combined books.  First, most of my thoughts have
already been stated (back pack space, being able to find what you are looking
for).  But also think about what the combined books will be able to give us
that it really isn't feasible to do in a source book.  Europe comes to mind.  A
different European country every month would eventually get that region
covered.  Dime novels, I for one miss those little suckers.  The Combined books
might just provide a way for these to come back.  8 pages of fiction and 8
pages of adventure wouldn't take all that much space outta the book.  I always
liked the way that the fiction part was fun to read, plus it gave the marshal a
better insight to some of the NPCs in the adventure, mannerisms, attitudes, and
the ways of speaking and such, as well as an overall better feel to the
adventure.  All sorts of other "small stuff" that otherwise wouldn't have a
published home.  Also, has anyone thought that maybe PEG was running out of
stuff to do full source books on... or at least full source books that would
sell enough copies for them to be able to do the source book in the first
place.  Again, Europe comes to mind, I know a bunch of people would like to see
it covered, but would enough people buy it to make it worth it?  The combined
books can be a place for all of this.

Woah, I just thought of something as I was writing this message.  The combined
books, the Combine.  Anyone see a similarity here?  Are we seeing PEG through
the eyes of Throckmorton here?

Ok, now I'm not going to rant and rave all message, so now I am going to try
and do something constructive and offer a suggestion to PEG.  96 page setting
specific books, similar to what the epitaph was, but keeping them specific to
Weird West, Wasted West, and eventually, the Way Out West.  I think there would
be more then enough content to fill 96 pages for each setting, and each setting
could be released every three months for around 15 bucks.  Weird West, in
January, April, July, and October, Wasted west in February, May, August, and
November, and Way out West in March, June, September, and December.  And still
toss in the full source books as necessary.

Here's what I would like to see them contain.
1.  Dime Novel (8 pages fiction, 8 pages Adventure, about the same size as they
would be if they were half sized pages instead of full ones.)
2.  Reader submitted stuff: Fiction, Adventures, Tables, artwork (this would
cut down on your art costs), articles, critters, powers, so on and so forth
(around 32 pages)
3.  What's happening in our world (4-8 pages) short summaries of what different
posses around the world have been doing, maybe containing links to peg's site
that would contain the full stories.
4.  PEG's Topic of the Month, one or two features (36-40 pages total) on
different locations, AB's, and other stuff that people would love to see in a
book, but isn't enough to get a full source book.
5.  Articles (4-8 pages)  Tips for running better games, how to work different
stuff into your games, general advice for marshals, maybe even an "Ask the
marshal" section (kind of like dear abby, but cool).

Well, would a book like this be better received by everyone?  Do we need to add
anything else to it?  Lets here your thoughts on this, cause PEG is the type of
company that if a product is going to upset a large portion of their fan base
and a better idea comes along, that the fan base likes and would have material
for both marshal's and players, I think they would listen.  We have already
seen 12+ messages indicating that the combined books are a not so hot idea and
a good chunk of them stated that they (or people they know) would not buy the
new combined books.  So lets let em know what we think and if anyone has a
better suggestion, post em, I'm sure they'd love to hear em.

Well, sorry for taking so long to get to my point, but thanks for listening.

-I'd buy the combined books, but I'd be much happier buying a book more along
the lines of what I suggested, and I think others would too.

John Goff wrote:

> > I am a bit confused as to how a 128 page $20 book could not be profitable
> I've been trying to follow the comments--but this one lost me just a bit.
> (Not all that hard to do, really...) ;-)
> If you could explain which comment it's in reference to, I'll do my best to
> fill in the blanks. :-)
> John Goff