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Re: New Idea (was: Re: [DL] Combined format?$$$$$$$$$$ (GOFF))

Wow--that's a long post. I won't try to reply to all of it, but I will give
you some feedback on a couple of points. :-)

> Ok, now I'm not going to rant and rave all message, so now I am going to
> and do something constructive and offer a suggestion to PEG.  96 page
> specific books, similar to what the epitaph was, but keeping them specific
> Weird West, Wasted West, and eventually, the Way Out West.  I think there
> be more then enough content to fill 96 pages for each setting, and each
> could be released every three months for around 15 bucks.  Weird West, in
> January, April, July, and October, Wasted west in February, May, August,
> November, and Way out West in March, June, September, and December.  And
> toss in the full source books as necessary.

Boy--you want me to work myself into an early grave, don't you? :-)

I have to be honest and say I don't know that I could keep that sort of
production schedule up for more than a couple of months--without the full
sourcebooks! Also, that sort of output would drain our resources to the
breaking point.

In a perfect world, that is the ideal solution. Unfortunately--as I think we
all know--this ain't a perfect world. :-/

BTW, my apologies to anyone who was still laboring under the illusion that
it _was_ a perfect world. ;-)

Additionally, the $15 breakpoint isn't cost effective--we've looked at
something similar in the past year, and found that at best, we could
_possibly_ get the cover price down to $18. We're pretty sure losing 1/4 of
the book for a 10% price break wouldn't really endear us with you guys. :-)

Just so the record's straight--we're well aware that the biggest draw of our
games is the Weird West. As such, it's fully intended to get the lion's
share of the combined sourcebook. I've no intention of an equal 33 1/3%
split between the lines.

Just a few insights from my side of the keyboard,
