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RE: [DL] Fan Submissions/editing (was: Re: Combined Format

Title: RE: [DL] Fan Submissions/editing (was: Re: Combined Format

>However, you have a -huge- pool of talent on this
>list, willing to work for nothing merely to support
>the game they adore.  Just look at all the fan
>submissions and sites!  Why not put that to use?  I
>know it would take a lot of coordination and
>ultimately someone on the Pinnacle payroll would have
>to review this all. 

A *lot* of people have suggested utilizing the fan base for ideas, editing, whatever...

Volunteer workers fall into the "You get what you pay for" category.  Not that many of us would not be able to do a fantastic job helping PEG out, but where would *your* priorities lie? 

Let's see, work project, House project, research paper for school, edit manuscript for PEG.  The easiest one to blow off is PEG because the only ramifications are that they won't let you work for them again, whereas you can get fired, incessantly nagged, or get a C (I'm in grad school, so that's like an F)...

The end result is that your not *saving* PEG any work, but *creating* different kinds of work...
