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RE: [DL] Abracadabra...

I'll post my reply in english as I can read german but my writing is

I ran this adventure and the posse enjoyed it quite a bit....








Up until the baddy showed up in the end and they started having problems
killing them. He possesed a few of them and they started killing one
another. Finally one of the posse destroyed the artifact resulting in an
explosion that killed him (he came back harrowed) as well as a couple other
posse members though none of the rest were unfortunate enough to return from
the grave.

This adventure likely had the highest PC death count of those I have ran
since I think we lost over 75% (6 out of 8 died, though one of the 6 came

Mind you my posse never finished Night Train as they blew the beginning and
ran off finding other missions.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jolly Roger [mailto:philipp.savun@VR-Web.de]
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 4:21 PM
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: Re: [DL] Abracadabra...

> Anyway, I'm planning to start my Deadland campaign with 'Abracadabra and
> an Arab Cadaver' from 'Hucksters & Hexes'. (As soon as our curent gm
> finished her Vampire-story) Did anyone of you played this adventure? Any
> comments? Any problems wich may occur? Or some additional ideas to spice
> the story up?

Waere gut, wenn Du mindestens 2 Huckster in der Gruppe haettest! Einer war
bei mir zu wenig! Ach ja, und sei vorsichtig mit diesem Dillenger - der hat
in Canyon o` Doom einen, wenn auch kurzen, Zweitauftritt. Ansonsten, mach
den Spielern klar, dass dies kein
"Ich-beib-hier-stehen-und-schiesse-bis-alle-tot-sind-Abenteuer" ist.
Bewegung Leute, BEWEGUNG!!!

my four pfennigs,


"Okay, take this fake...:-|
...AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!... I mean diamond"

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