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Re: [DL] Poll

Uh Ross,
    Unless you were thinking of the mystery writer or being facetious, our
first prime minister was John A. MacDonald.  BTW speaking of former Prime
Ministers, Pierre Elliott Trudeau died at around 3 PM today.  He was 80.
          Daniel Gwyn
"You have a big heart...not as big as your mouth,  but
you have good feelings inside you"
    From the Frisco Kid

>on 9/28/00 4:49 PM, Christopher McGlothlin at cmcgloth@halifax.com wrote:
>> Hey, "that ol' southern fella" is *also* an Honorary Listserver Canadian,
>> and got Sir John MacDonald into a *DL* book before anyone else! ;)
>I know - I voted for you.  <g>
>Out of curiousity, where is old John D anyhow?  I don't remember seeing
>Ross Coburn
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