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Re: [DL] Law Dogs, Bullards etc. (SEAN BRIGGS)

> Actually, I find it mainly unbalancing bewcause the idea of an 11-round
> magazine for a .50 cal seemed most ridiculous.

Hey, it worked for me :-)

> It has now been officially dropped to 6 shots in my game, and I feel better
> (Ann, Daphne, Daniel take heed, not that you need worry these days <g>).


Of course, the best way to get rid of a gun you find "unbalancing" is to
create an evil doppelgaenger who gets the character's rifle by guile, then
force the character in question to shoot her own rifle.

Daphné "But I'm not bitter"
Distephano: I thought you were dead.
Ripley: Yeah, I get that a lot.
            -Alien: The Resurrection

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