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[DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20010208

Hiya folks, ya don't know me, I just kinda hop around reading deadlands 
stuff, since I don't get to play enough, but I figured I'd ask a question, 
and maybe someone out there would be bored, or imaginative enough to come up 
with an answer...

I've been toying with the idea of a Spawn type character for the weird west, 
dunno if it'd be quite fitting, but I think the appearance of spawn in a 
blood red duster and hat would be a really neat twist... I keep picturing a 
fully physical version of the picture of the hanging judge, but with color 
and head changes hehe.

Anyway, would any of you care to brainstorm to come up with this?  I seem to 
keep hitting walls.

Here's what I'm lookin for:
1) the critter/monster/npc version to torment players with......... and
2) a possible way to make it as a class/archetype for someone to build upon

well, if yer feelin frisky, send what ya get my way.

Crosse, marshall in training, due to boredom from lack of local games around 
Houston... now how's that for a twist?