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Re: [DL] Rather longish list of questions about period weaponry from Law Dogs

At 09:47 AM 2/10/2001 +0100, Mr. Tomasz F Misiorek wrote:

	Good day to you, good sir!

>I am aware, that this list is full of people, who know much about 19 century
>weapons. So, can You help me? After reading Law Dogs, some specific
>questions spring to my mind:
>f) Enfield Rifle Musket - In basic rulebook this one is listed as a
>blackpowder weapon with range of 10. In Law Dogs it does have range of 25
>and makes quite good sniping rifle. Any comments? Was it really smoothbore,
>blackpowder musket?

	As the proud owner of an Enfield (and the person who first said to Steve
Long, "Hey, you should put THIS in *Law Dogs*!;) ), the Range 10 in the
basic rulebook is erroneous, and the Range in *LD* of 25 is more correct.
	The Enfield is indeed a black powder weapon, but is most definitely not a
smoothbore; hence the term "Rifle Musket" (i.e., it has a rifled barrel).
Hope this helps!

	(Got a nagging question about The War Between the States--our version or
*Deadlands*? Ever wondered about something in *Tales o' Terror: 1877*,
*Back East: The South* or *Dead Presidents*? If so, please, feel free to
post your query here and the co-author of said tomes will do his dangdest
to answer them!)

Deo Vindice,
Christopher McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Additional Developer: Deadlands: The Weird West Revised Edition
Co-Author: Tales o' Terror: 1877, Back East: The South & the JLA Sourcebook
Reviewer: Games Unplugged Magazine
Southern by the Grace of God