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Re: [DL] Rather longish list of questions about period weaponry from Law Dogs

> e) Bullard Express - I saw picture of this rifle and it looked like lever
> action. Which firing system was used in Bullard?

IIRC, the Bullard was a lever-action. House rule in my game, it does 5d8
because the Bullard cartridge was short and squatty as opposed to the
Sharp's .50, which was a monster.

> d) American Pepperbox - Err, does "18 shots" means that this monster was 18
> barrel pepperbox???

Yep. But it's a .22, IIRC, so the barrels and shells are small.

> f) Enfield Rifle Musket - In basic rulebook this one is listed as a
> blackpowder weapon with range of 10. In Law Dogs it does have range of 25
> and makes quite good sniping rifle. Any comments? Was it really smoothbore,
> blackpowder musket?

True. A smoothbore.

> g) Colt Paterson 1836 - Monster, nonetheless. It has very good stats for a
> 1836 weapon. Is this realistic?

Yep. It was, however, black powder and slow to reload.

> h) Winchester 76 - stats in LD are different from stats in DL rulebook. Does
> that rifle really deserves unusual damcode (4d8+2) and high price (40$!)?

Newer model. Heavier round.

"You know you've found the woman of your dreams when she says you can
'tap her mana'."