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Re: [DL] Rather longish list of questions about period weaponry from Law Dogs

In a message dated 2/10/2001 12:12:37 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
cmcgloth@halifax.com writes:

<<  The one & only "Stone Cold" Steve Long would know far better than I about
 the other weapons (having researched and written *Law Dogs* and all:) ), so
 I'll defer the question to him.  >>

    Geez, ya mean I have to pay attention now???? :)
    I'm going to have to defer the question myself for the time being, as I'm 
preparing to attend two conventions over the next two weekends, both far from 
home. AFAIK what was posted was accurate, but I'm by no mean the ultimate 
authority, so I'd have to do some digging around through my library to verify 
stuff -- and I shan't have time until I get back home from all these trips. :)
    Hope to see some of y'all at DunDraCon (San Ramon, CA) or GameInvasion 
(Jacksonville, FL) in the next couple of weeks!

Steve Long