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Re: [DL] How to use Hoyle

>I cannot possibly be the only one on the list mad enough to purchase
>an original Hoyle (mine one is the prayer book sized one from the 1840'ies)
>I therefore ask: How do you use it in the gaming? Have you found any
>particular occult sounding stuff in there? Do you force your players
>to find something peculiar in it before saying: "OK you are right -
>you found a new spell. Pay the bounty points and add it to your sheet"
>Any fun suggestions?

This one becomes a bit diffacult being a revisionist history and all.

There are no real secret messages in hoyles just examples of play styles.  
Most of them are pretty dry, boring affairs full of hand descriptions and 
rules clarifications.

But if you want to do something fun, have the player read a section of the 
book and teach the group a new card game.  For each new game he learns let 
him get a spell.

Eventually you'll all know a ton of card games and he'll have a ton of 

I can't think of anything more fun than that, that doesn't involve secretly 
traveling back to 1860 and putting messages in at the printer...

ron conner
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