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RE: [DL] Re: deadlands D20

>>So because your group is a little slow picking up the system and because
a chain of bad luck took out an NPC, those of us who enjoy this game
shouldn't be able to give our opinions on other games?<<

   You misunderstand: My group wasn't slow at understanding the rules
(reread what I wrote: "Statements like these make the think back to the
days when I was learning Deadlands and wondering what the hell was up
Traits and Aptitudes - I remember the funny looks the players gave me when
I explained how they worked."), they thought they were...quite illogical
and counterintuitive (especially unskilled checks). 
   Moreover, the point isn't that you shouldn't be able to provide your
opinion of other games, but that only those without sin ought to be casting
stones. The Deadlands fans on the list has been mocking D20 for some of the
very faults its shares with Deadlands. 

>>Most of the people on this board have done the exact same damn thing,
neither you nor I
are "cosmopolitan" because we are looking for new games... we're average,
run of the mill. So cut the
attitude, you don't have the moral high ground.<<

   Allow me to clue you in again: The attitude was manufactured for the
sole benefit of the the little twit who decided my group was less
intelligent than his because I didn't share his beliefs about Deadlands. I
did what he did: Took a statement, made a snap judgement, and ran with it.
And moral high ground? Since when is gaming a moral issue?

>>The D20 system and D&D both have a lot of the flaws people accuse them
of. So what's wrong with saying that?<<

   Nothing. Of course, most the folks in this discussion weren't discussing
the game's flaws, they were counting coup with petty insults and stupid
jokes. What was it...the "Hurlrotten Realms"? C'mon, don't make the thread
out to be what it wasn't.

>>Get off your high horse and bring a little information to this discussion
instead of trying to be the
"political correctness" guru for kinder gentler gaming.<<

   It has nothing to do with political correctness; it has everything to do
with tiring of smarmy moderators and their lackluster followers who
apparently have nothing more constructive to do with their list than post
hypocritical and rather third grade insults about the king of the hill. 

>>What is it you like about systems with a lower mortality?<<

   Nothing. What I like about a system is being able to judge the
capabilities of the PCs versus the NPCs. When an NPCs with an armor of 3,
good stats, and special abilities out the wazoo dies because he hits a
death spiral, well, it makes me go "Hmmmmn..." 

>>What was actually confusing about Traits and Aptitudes?<<

   Confusing? Nothing. 

>>I may not like D20 but I would rather be informed about it’s good points
then told I can’t hold an opinion about it’s bad ones.<<

   You can hold a bad opinion of D20. You can even mock it. If you're doing
so while extolling the virtues of Deadlands, well...


"Modesty is the conscience of the body." - Honore de Balzac