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Re: [DL] What's a death spiral? -- was: deadlands D20 (barely)

my sarcasm meter is on the fritz right so I'll just go ahead and assume this is a real question...
The Infamous Spiral of Death is a convention within a game system where the more injured a character is, the less capable that character becomes at defending himself. It is built into Deadlands. You know, the whole, Light wound = -1 to all rolls thing and it just "spirals" down from there? It just kind of works out that once a character is injured, they are easier to injure again, and then even easier after that. As opposed to say... D&D, where the loss of hp's does not adversely affect a character's skills at all. You are fit as a fiddle right up to the point you die! Some people hate death spirals, saying they are too open for exploitation and make the Epic combats they want end too fast. Others praise them for the "realism" they add . Let's face it, if I was shot full of holes, I'd be a far worse aim than I am.
I like both for different genres. I like the whole death spiral thing for games like Delta Green and Deadlands and I like being able to fight heroically to the bitter end in 3rdEd without worrying about a ton of math. Anyway enough of that. Don't want to start another flame war. Just answering a question that others were too busy chest-puffing to deal with.
I have this macro in my Outlook that forces me to wait 10 minutes before responding to anything, y'all should try it ;-)
The Wandeer
----- Original Message -----
From: Jeff Yates
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 8:59 AM
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: [DL] What's a death spiral? -- was: deadlands D20 (barely)
Dancing gingerly around the D20 subject, I am curious as to what this "Death
Spiral" is that claimed the life of your extra.  I've not run into anything
of the sort, I don't think.  And I'd rather be informed and fore-warned so
as to avoid one.

Jeff Y.
Marshal for the Dynamite Gang

> capabilities of the PCs versus the NPCs. When an NPCs with an armor of 3,
> good stats, and special abilities out the wazoo dies because he hits a
> death spiral, well, it makes me go "Hmmmmn..."

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