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[DL] Montana

I can't believe that Montana has been so ignored by Deadlands.   I am from
Montana (and am a little biased) but it seems a natural location for a
source book.  Here is just a sample of the stuff that happaned in Montana.

The Vigilentes

  The town of Virginia City, MT was experiencing a string of violent
robberies of all stagecoaches hauling gold out of town.  Turns out the
sheriff Henery Plummer was the head of an outlaw gang that was performing
the robberies.  The locals formed a lynch mob and went to work.  They
lynched more people then any other lynch mob  (22 at least ) in the U.S.
They got Plummer and hung him in January of 1864 (perfect for Deadlands).
They never recovered the gold.  They buried some of the victoms in a mass
grave with the numbers 3-7-77 on it (no one knows what the numbers refer to
but there are tons of theories- the most common is that it is the size of
the grave but that doesn't make a lot of sense)  The highway patrol of
Montana has that number on all there uniforms.

    Kid Curry of the wild bunch raised alot of hell here.

  Chief Joseph makes his great retreat/escape attempt.  General Miles (the
true indian killer not wussy boy Custer) stops him.  Joseph and his tribe
including with old folks and children all the way across Montana (a huge
distance).  With the U.S. army hot on his trail.  Before giving up just
short of Canada and making his "Where the Sun now Sets I will Fight No More"
speech.  A great tale happening in 1877!

  Tons of Indians and lots of different tribes including the best indians of
them all the Blackfeet. Cheif Plenty Coups has his vision and leds the Crow
on far different path thent the rest of the Indians.

We had Mining in the West and Cattle Range wars in East.  Butte and
Andaconda and Helena all were part of  the brutal War of the Copper Kings.
Bannack the original territoral capital dried up and became a ghost town (at
night the union and confederates used to snipe at each other in town).

Liver Eating  Johnson called it home.

This is just a short list off the top of my head.

Cort Jensen

"Better to be Tried by Tweleve then carried by Thirteen"