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Re: [DL] This Harrowed Ground

On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 08:30:03PM -0400, Erebus Newmoon said:
> I was planning on running my posse through This Harrowed Ground, one of the 
> adventures that came with the Marshal's screen.  I was wondering how many 
> people here had run it and what they thought of it for a low level 
> adventure.

 Spoilers, baby.

 This was one of the earlier scenarios I ran for my posse, and the problem
 I ran into was the utter lack of motivation to investigate anything,
 outside of natural curiosity.  But my posse weren't about to go poking
 their noses into unimportant stuff that didn't really concern them, so
 they were very unprepared when the doo-doo started to hit the fan.  The
 gold mine thing was totally lost on them, one posse member got wasted by
 those nasty Confederate raiders (two simultaneous shotgun blasts, one to
 the belly and one to the face) and another took a Critical wound to the
 head, and Linkous came to town and took the place apart.  The posse
 didn't have any of his weapons, so everything went bad and they had to
 skip the burning town.

 To this day, looking at their character sheets and seeing the words
 "Deputy's badge - Pawnee Rock" (although only one character from those
 times is still with us), or seeing the headline "Colorado Town Laid
 Waste by Undead Soldiers" in the Tombstone Epitaph, or having somebody
 ask them if they've ever done any security or law enforcement work
 before beings a sheepish smile to their faces.

 Nevertheless, that scenario was a lot of fun (I had Linkous let them off
 lightly by breaking one leg on each of the survivors, because his beef
 wasn't with them anyway) and everybody enjoyed it a lot.


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